Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Home Reno 2.2

I've taken a little break from updating on the home renos, with having to go back to work on the 2nd, it has left no one here to take pictures of the progress, plus there hasn't really been a lot of noticeable progress.  Since the 2nd, John and Paul have been working on mudding and sanding the ceiling.  They've been going pretty steady at it, although they took the weekend off.  Here is the final product of all their hard work!

Today when I got home, I had a wonderful surprise, John had already started on the first coat of primer!!  Yay!  The painting is in sight :)

I will admit that yesterday I had a bit of a "I can't take this much more moment" when I walked into my kitchen and looked at the state it was in.  While I know that this reno isn't going to take a year and a half like the basement, and so I can live with it, especially since this has only been a week and a half (even though it's felt much much longer...), I am realizing that living with renos 24/7 in your main living space, with the dirt carrying everywhere in your house is a lot harder than when it was contained to the basement.  You constantly have to look at it and be in it, while with our basement, we could just shut the door and pretend that it wasn't in a bad state at all!  But thankfully God has been keeping me sane and positive throughout this and I know that in a few short weeks we will be back to normal with a newly painted living room and wonderful hardwood floor.  

Here are some pictures of the painting that has taken place so far!  Our goal is to have the main floor painted by the end of the weekend, with only the trim left to do!

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