Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Garden - Part 1 (2010)

I have been really working at my gardens for the last few years since we moved here.  The first summer (2010), my mom helped me change the gardens in the backyard, from two small gardens to one large garden. See here...

I don't have any before pictures, but in the picture on the right, you can see that one garden was in the left hand corner, where the majority of the plants are.  In the photo below, the other small garden was against the fence just behind the clothes umbrella.  This small garden I decided I wanted to get rid of because I felt it was a pointless spot and would rather have a garden that ran along the fence, so I could see it (the other one was blocked by the hot tub).

You will see above the massive amount of hostas.  The woman who lived here before must not have been a gardener because she had hostas everywhere.  There were some coming up in the small garden.  Mom and I thought that we had got them all, but like a week later, I found more growing...I had about 8 or 10 to begin with...let's just say there are way less than that.

We ended up using the existing stones to border the garden, but found our we were too short, so we ended up getting the same type in a different colour and alternating them along the the garden.

We also fixed up a plant in the front, called a weigela, which was not looking so great, but this a little TLC it turned into this...

As the summer progressed, my garden really blossomed due to some wonderful fertilizer and great weather. Note the size of my rose bush, a graduation gift from my Nanny.

Middle of the summer, the flowers loved the fertilizer

As did the cucumbers...although I think it was
planting a whole package of
cucumber seeds that really did that one

Late summer/early fall - The rose bush made it over the fence!

Part 2 - 2011 summer gardens tomorrow...

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