Saturday, June 22, 2013

Home Renos 3.4

Time for another reno update!  We've been really busy lately so I have not been making as much time for blogging as I should.  Part of this is because I haven't been able to get as many pictures of things we've been doing, so I become less motivated to blog about what has been done until I have enough pictures.  Now in the time! :)

Alright, so my last blog left off with us going away for the weekend, meaning much was not going to be happening then.  Unfortunately the weather was bad, so we decided to cancel our weekend.  This was ok in a way because we ended up building our little shoe shelving unit.  It was a lot of fun because we did it together and John actually let me help in the building process, instead of just having me clean up or hand him things. We got up on Saturday (the 8th) and went to Home depot to pick up the wood we would use for it.  We found this neat layered wood that, while John didn't think it was the best wood because it was layered, I really liked.

See the layered look it cool!

All ready to get started.

John got everything measured and cut and then let me drill the holes for the screws, screw the screws in and then put a few finishing nails in.  I only did a little bit of the screwing because I was having issues with the drill and getting them in straight.  I mainly did the nailing.  Here is some proof that I worked on it!

The whole thing came together quite quickly which was nice.  John even got the first coat of stain done that day and then the other done later on in the week.  We haven't got to varathaning it yet, mainly because we decided we would just do it at the same time as the bench.  Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of it stained, but I do have pictures of it completed...

Should be big enough for all my shoes!!
Last weekend John had a baseball tournament going on and he was helping a friend move, so he didn't get any progress done on Saturday, but on Sunday he was able to get the bench completed, minus the lid, as he didn't have enough wood.  Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of the progress as I was hanging out with a friend making crafts (which I also didn't get pictures of the progress, as I forgot!).  Here are some pictures of the nearly completed bench and the artwork I did with a friend for our newly painted main floor!

Nearly complete!  It's nice and deep for extra storage.

The button tree I made from a pin I found on Pinterest.
The lovely Joanne Phendler helped me draw and paint
the tree.  Can't wait to find a spot to put it up!

That's it for now, hopefully we'll get some more work done on the entrance in the coming weeks in order to finish it up and start enjoying the summer! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Home Renos 3.3

Well, it's been around 3 weeks since I last wrote a blog, so I guess it is about time I update on the progress being made around here.  I actually didn't realize that it had been three weeks until I sat down to write this one and wanted to see where I left off.  To all our family and devoted friends, I'm very sorry!!  We've been pretty busy lately and the work we've done hasn't made much of a change, so it is hard to write a weekly blog about it!

Anyways, on to the work...I left off with us needed to varathane the cabinets one more before moving onto the doors and coat rod.  That has been done, along with the coat rod and the doors.  The coat rod looks really cool.  John built two end pieces which attach to the bottom of the cabinets and which hold the rod up.  The way he put them together and routered them makes  it look really cool.   I'm really pleased it how it came together!  Now we just have to put it up.  Which will likely be a job for next week.
The completed coat rod - yet to be attached.
The doors are also completed.  John has some issues getting them up because the screws which came with the hinges were not made very well so the majority of them had a bad wobble to them and he stripped most of them and a few didn't even have a point on the end.  On Sunday, we went to Home Depot to get some better screws, which really made a difference.  Fortunately the handles we picked didn't give us any problems and they match the handles we put on the doors in the basement! (something I was more concerned with than him!)  Here are some pictures of the doors progress...

Doors pre-stained.  John put the hinges up and made sure that
everything fit before we started staining.

I started the staining process one night after work.

Doors completed and attached!  They look really nice!

That's it for now!  We are going away for the weekend before starting on the next step in this project.  Hopefully we can get this done by the end of the can always hope, right?